
希望你喜欢我的文字 : )
头像是我爹 因为我爱他

【电影】爱你,罗茜 Love, Rosie

豆瓣上是这样评价的:这讲诉的是一个 友達以上,戀人未滿 的故事。记得不久前分享过刘同的一段话:和一些人的关系像平行线,一辈子相守相望,见于眼底藏于心间.就怕耐不住寂寞,冲动而成了相交线,在一个点尽情的拥抱.从此便离得越来越远,再也不见.遇见这样的人,因为不想做恋人只能一时,所以才选择做朋友能一世。 然而这不是Rosie和Alex的故事。他们爱得深沉,却不断的错过对方。青梅竹马的朋友,冠以朋友的名义深爱着对方,多少次相吻却又没吻上,心碎着参加彼此的婚礼,他们都懂,对方所携手人并适合。因为只有彼此,才是最适合的。兴庆的是,相爱的人还是走到了一起。Well,老规矩,我还是截几段话简单share下吧。

Scene 1(01:01:16)Rosie 将和 Grey 举行婚礼时,Dad和Rosie说

"Dont'n take this the wrong way , love. But if there is any part of you that isn't sure even

now  , say the word . We will walk straight out of here , our heads held high ."

当Rosie 问了句 “  So you like Grey , then ?"

Dad 欣然一笑道 “ Come on , let ' s get you hitched.”


其实,每个父亲都一样。一生视若珍宝的女儿即将嫁人,无论对方是谁,只要是她所爱的,他都会支持,只因为他 爱 她。


Dear Rosie , I can't believe it . Here I am at last , finally walking the Mediterranean coast . I 've lost count of the years I 've waited for this moment .  Somehow life got in the way .  And it was all good . I don't regret a minute of it , but weforget our dreams at our peril . I know you had yours , too . And it must feel sometimes like they're gone for good . But I am so proud of the women you have become ,Rosie, of the mother you have been to Katie . What  I once said about you is still true , there is nothing you can' t do if you put  your mind to it . So keep chasing those dreams , will you , darling . For my sake , Dad.



Scene 2,Rosie赶往Boston参加Alex的婚礼。他们都懂对方的心意,却一直在错过。


Choosing the person that you want to share your life with is one of the most important   decisions any of us makes , ever . Because when it's wrong , it turns your life to grey . And sometimes , you don't even notice until you wake up one morning and realize years have gone by . We both know about that one , Alex . Your friendship has brough gorious Tech-nicolor to my life . It's been there even in the darkest of times . And I am the luckiest per-son alive for that gife . I hope I didn't take it for granted I think maybe I did .Because I've relized that no matter where you are , or what you are doing , or who you are with , I will always honestly , truly , completely love you .(此时Rosie注视着Alex很久,久久不说话,这些话都是她内心最真实的告白,她想告诉Alex,经过了这么多事,错过了这么多,我们还是最深爱彼此,但如今你已结婚,这一切注定以错过为告终,所以她才补上了后面这些话)

Like a sister loves a brother , and a friend loves a friend . I will always stand guard over      your Dreams , Alex . No matter how weird or twisted they get .

既然不能在一起,我愿以朋友的身份永远陪伴在你身旁,支持你一切的梦想。这也是Rosie对Alex最深情的告白,和最衷心的祝福。只因 她 爱 他 。


他们是最适合的,他们相识,相伴,相爱,兜兜转转这么多回,身边的人换了又换,只是在验证一个道理,他俩才是最fit each other 的。走了这么久,原来还是你,兴庆 还是你,感谢 你还在。

